COGAIN Symposium:
Communication by Gaze Interaction

Denver, Colorado • June 25-28, 2019

In collaboration with:

Important dates

Abstract due: Jan 25, 2019 (extended)
Papers due: Jan 25, 2019 (extended)
Feedback: Feb 18, 2019
Rebuttals: Feb 25, 2019
Decisions: Mar 04, 2019
Camera-ready: Mar 29, 2019

General co-chairs
Päivi Majaranta
John Paulin Hansen

Program co-chairs
Diako Mardanbegi
Ken Pfeuffer

Symposium program

The 2019 COGAIN Symposium is going to be held in conjunction with ETRA 2019 on Wednesday, June 26, at the Crowne Plaza Denver. Schedule of activities is presented below:

Session 1 (Room: Pike's Peak) Session Chair: Arantxa Villanueva (Public University of Navarre, Italy)
Welcome and Brief Introduction
Invited talk
Eye Tracking - From the Past to the Future [Abstract]
Heiko Drewes (University of Munich, Germany) [Biography]

A Comparative Study of Eye Tracking and Hand Controller for Aiming Tasks in Virtual Reality
Francisco Lopez Luro (Blekinge Institute of Technology); Veronica Sundstedt (Blekinge Institute of Technology)
Long paper
Pointing by Gaze, Head, and Foot in a Head-Mounted Display
John Hansen (Technical University of Denmark ); Katsumi Minakata(Technical University of Denmark ); I. Scott MacKenzie(York University); Per Bkgaard (Technical University of Denmark ); Vijay Rajanna (Texas A&M University )
Long paper
Hand- and Gaze-Control of Telepresence Robots
Guangtao Zhang (Technical University of Denmark);John Paulin Hansen (Technical University of Denmark); Katsumi Minakata (Technical University of Denmark)
Long paper

(12:00-13:00 Lunch break)
Session 2 (Room: Pike's Peak) Session Chair: Scott MacKenzie (York University, Canada)
SacCalib: Reducing Calibration Distortion for Stationary Eye Trackers Using Saccadic Eye Movements
Michael Xuelin Huang (Max Planck Institute for Informatics);Andreas Bulling (University of Stuttgart)
Long paper
SaccadeMachine: Software for Analyzing Saccade Tests (Anti-Saccade and Pro-saccade)
Diako Mardanbegi (Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK); Thomas Wilcockson (Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK); Pete Sawyer (Aston University, Birmingham, UK); Hans Gellersen (Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK); Trevor Crawford (Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK)
Long paper
GazeButton: Enhancing Buttons with Eye Gaze Interactions
Sheikh Radiah Rahim Rivu (Bundeswehr University Munich); Yasmeen Abdrabou (German University in Cairo); Thomas Mayer (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich); Ken Pfeuffer (Bundeswehr University Munich); Florian Alt (Bundeswehr University Munich)
Long paper
Impact of Variable Position of Text Prediction in Gaze-based Text Entry
Korok Sengupta (University of Koblenz-Landau); Raphael Menges (University Koblenz-Landau); Chandan Kumar(University of Koblenz-Landau); Steffen Staab(Institut WeST, University Koblenz-Landau and WAIS, University of Southampton)
Long paper
Inducing Gaze Gestures by Static Illustrations
Päivi Majaranta (Tampere University); Jari Laitinen (Tampere University); Jari Kangas (Tampere University); Poika Isokoski (Tampere University)
Short paper
Closing Session and Best COGAIN Paper Award
Poster Session Room: Ellingwood A&B and Red Cloud
GazeVR: A Toolkit for Developing Gaze Interactive Applications in VR/AR
Diako Mardanbegi (Lancaster University); Thies Pfeiffer (Bielefeld University)
Poster presentation